Seventy years ago, July 23rd, the first broadcast sponsored by an unknown, unplanned for, ministry–Bible Lighthouse–was heard on the new Sayre radio station. In 1950 there were only a few Christian radio programs, and Christian radio stations were few and far between. A Bible teaching radio broadcast was not something with which most folks in this area were acquainted. With no promised prayer partners and no pledged financial supporters, Rev. and Mrs. David W. Holden took a step of faith to begin a ten minute, daily, live radio program.
As we have reached this milestone, we come together for a special broadcast “Praising and giving thanks unto the Lord” (Ezra 3:11) for the opportunity Bible Lighthouse has had in giving forth the Word of God for seventy years.
The following anniversary broadcast aired on July 25, 2020.
The ministries of
over WPEL – Montrose, PA
96.5 FM
91.7 Elmira 94.7 FM Endicott
92.1 Sayre 106.3 Binghamton
“Morning reflections from Bible Lighthouse”
Monday thru Friday
6:30 – 6:45 AM
“Easter Sunrise Broadcast”
6:30 -7:00 AM
Sponsored by Bible Lighthouse
92.1 FM Sayre
91.7 FM Elmira